nounOne who gives up easily.
To suppurate.
nounOne who quits.
nounA deliverer.
nounMatter flowing from a sore or wound.
nounIn farriery, a fistulous wound upon the quarters or the heel of the coronet, caused by treads, pricks in shoeing, corns, or other injuries which produce suppuration at the coronet or within the foot.
nounScoria of tin.
nounOne who quits or gives up in the face of difficulties; one who has not the courage or determination to finish what he undertakes to do.
nounSpecifically, a workman who has the habit of throwing up his job on slight pretenses.
nounA young male fur-seal, old enough to enter the breeding grounds toward the close of the season, but not strong enough and bold enough to hold his ground when disturbed: he therefore quits his place.