At the end of a timed game, click the "Challenge a Friend" to get a custom link that saves your
game for them to beat.
Points & Scoring
Each letter has a point value:
A,E,I,O,U,L,N,S,T,R = 1 point
D,G = 2 points
B,C,M,P = 3 points
F,H,V,W,Y = 4 points
K = 5 points
J,X = 8 points
Q,Z = 10 points
The points of the letters are then multiplied based on the length of the word. The longer the
word, the more points:
5 letters: 2x the points
6 letters: 3x the points
7 letters: 4x the points
8+ letters: 5x the points
What Words Are Valid?
Wordshake offers 2 word lists for gameplay - Standard and Expert.
Our Standard word list is loaded by default, and accessible for players of all ages. For those
seeking a challenge, our Expert word list includes the full North American Scrabble Players
Association word list, unlocking all alternate spellings and archaic words.
Switch between dictionaries by clicking the dictionary icon at the top of the screen or