
intransitive verb

To refuse to provide mortgages, insurance, or other goods or services to areas deemed a poor economic risk, particularly when the residents are nonwhite.

intransitive verb

To reach the maximum engine speed at which an engine is designed to be safely operated.

intransitive verb

To mark or highlight edited text, as with a red line, to distinguish it from unedited portions of a document.

intransitive verb

To practice redlining in (an area or community), as in declining to provide mortgages.

intransitive verb

To remove from operational status because of mechanical defects or the need for scheduled maintenance.

intransitive verb

To mark (edited text) by redlining.


A safety limit, as marked on a gauge.


The red line at the center of an ice hockey rink, running parallel to the goal lines and dividing the rink in half.


Either of two red lines running across an ice hockey rink near the end boards, in the center of which the goal is positioned.