
To discover; expose to sight, recognition, or understanding; disclose; divulge; make known.

Specifically To disclose as religious truth; divulge by supernatural means; make known by divine agency.

In metaphysics, to afford an immediate knowledge of.

Synonyms To unveil, uncover, communicate, show, impart.


A revealing; disclosure.


In architecture, one of the vertical faces of a window-opening or a doorway, included between the face of the wall and that of the window- or door-frame, when such frame is present.


A revealing; a disclosure.


The side of an opening for a window, doorway, or the like, between the door frame or window frame and the outer surface of the wall; or, where the opening is not filled with a door, etc., the whole thickness of the wall; the jamb.

transitive verb

To make known (that which has been concealed or kept secret); to unveil; to disclose; to show.

transitive verb

Specifically, to communicate (that which could not be known or discovered without divine or supernatural instruction or agency).