


each of a pair of globular organs of sight in the head of humans and vertebrate animals.

my cat is blind in one eye

organ of sight,eyeball,peeper,orb,optic,globe


look at closely or with interest.

Rose eyed him warily

look at,see,observe,view,gaze at,gaze upon,stare at,scan,regard,contemplate,survey,inspect,examine,scrutinize,study,consider,glance at,take a glance at,watch,keep an eye on,keep under observation,keep watch on,keep under scrutiny,keep under surveillance,monitor,watch like a hawk,keep a weather eye on,spy on,have/take a gander at,have a squint at,get a load of,check out,gawp at,size up,keep a beady eye on,keep tabs on,keep a tab on,have/take a butcher’s at,have/take a dekko at,have/take a shufti at,clock,eyeball,behold,twig,surveil,ogle,leer at,make eyes at,make sheep’s eyes at,eye up,give someone the glad eye,give someone a/the once-over,lech after/over,undress with one’s eyes,give someone the come-on,gawk at,perv on