adjectiveBoisterous; rowdy.
adjectiveAppropriate for rough wear or use.
nounA small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit.
Noting something which knocks (other things) about; rough; buffeting; boisterous: as, a knockabout game of foot-ball.
Accustomed to knock about or to be knocked about: as, a knockabout globe-trotter; suitable to be knocked about in: as, a knockabout coat.
Noisy; full of horse-play: as, a knockabout entertainment; knockabout business.
In Australia, applied to a jack of all trades on a station.
nounA traveler; one who has knocked about.
nounA performer in a knockabout playorsketch;the sketch itself.
nounIn Australia, a hand on a station who does a little of everything.