


make (someone) very angry.

the students were enraged at these new rules

anger,incense,infuriate,madden,inflame,incite,antagonize,provoke,rub up the wrong way,ruffle someone’s feathers,exasperate,hack off,drive mad/crazy,drive up the wall,make someone see red,make someone’s blood boil,make someone’s hackles rise,get someone’s back up,get someone’s dander up,get someone’s goat,get under someone’s skin,rattle someone’s cage,wind up,get on someone’s wick,nark,get up someone’s nose,burn up,tee off,tick off,gravel,empurple,very angry,irate,furious,infuriated,angered,in a temper,incensed,raging,incandescent,fuming,ranting,raving,seething,frenzied,in a frenzy,beside oneself,outraged,in high dudgeon,hostile,antagonistic,black,dark,mad,hopping mad,wild,livid,boiling,apoplectic,aerated,hot under the collar,on the warpath,up in arms,with all guns blazing,foaming at the mouth,steamed up,in a lather,in a filthy temper,fit to be tied,shirty,stroppy,as cross as two sticks,in a paddy,sore,bent out of shape,soreheaded,teed off,ticked off,ropeable,snaky,crook,vex,in a bate,waxy,wrathful,ireful,wroth,piss off,get on someone’s tits,pissed off,pissed