


look at closely or with interest.

Rose eyed him warily

look at,see,observe,view,gaze at,gaze upon,stare at,scan,regard,contemplate,survey,inspect,examine,scrutinize,study,consider,glance at,take a glance at,watch,keep an eye on,keep under observation,keep watch on,keep under scrutiny,keep under surveillance,monitor,watch like a hawk,keep a weather eye on,spy on,have/take a gander at,have a squint at,get a load of,check out,gawp at,size up,keep a beady eye on,keep tabs on,keep a tab on,have/take a butcher’s at,have/take a dekko at,have/take a shufti at,clock,eyeball,behold,twig,surveil,ogle,leer at,make eyes at,make sheep’s eyes at,eye up,give someone the glad eye,give someone a/the once-over,lech after/over,undress with one’s eyes,give someone the come-on,gawk at,perv on