

Having great inventive skill and imagination.


Marked by or exhibiting originality or inventiveness.


Having genius; brilliant.

Possessing inventive genius or faculty; apt in inventing, contriving, or constructing; skilful in the use of things or words: as, an ingenious mechanic; an ingenious author.

Mentally bright or clever; witty; conversable.

Marked or characterized by inventive genius; displaying or proceeding from skill in contrivance or construction; witty or clever in form or spirit; well conceived; apt: as, an ingenious machine; an ingenious process or performance; ingenious criticism.

Manifesting or requiring mental brightness or cleverness; intellectual; improving.


Synonyms Inventive, bright, acute, constructive. See genius.


Possessed of genius, or the faculty of invention; skillful or promp to invent; having an aptitude to contrive, or to form new combinations.