adjectiveOf, relating to, or arising from intuition: synonym: instinctive.
adjectivePossessing or demonstrating intuition.
adjectiveEasily understood and simple to use.
Perceiving directly, without a medium, vicarious representation, symbol, or phenomenon; perceiving the object immediately as it exists.
Pertaining to a knowledge (especially, but not exclusively, an immediate knowledge) of a thing as existent.
Not determined by other cognitions; not discursive; of the nature of a first premise; immediate; self-evident; reached without reasoning by an inexplicable and unconscious process of thought.
Presenting an object as an individual image; not general.
adjectiveSeeing clearly
adjectiveKnowing, or perceiving, by intuition; capable of knowing without deduction or reasoning.
adjectiveReceived, reached, obtained, or perceived, by intuition; ; — opposed to