
intransitive verb

To bring into being; create or start.

intransitive verb

To come into being; start: synonym: stem.

To give rise or origin to; supply or constitute the beginning or commencement of; initiate; set going; bring to pass; bring into existence; occasion; cause; create, artistically or intellectually; produce; invent.

To designate or describe as taking (its) beginning; derive; deduce.

To arise; take (its) rise; find a starting-point or source; begin.

intransitive verb

To take first existence; to have origin or beginning; to begin to exist or act.

transitive verb

To give an origin or beginning to; to cause to be; to bring into existence; to produce as new.


bring into being


begin a trip at a certain point, as of a plane, train, bus, etc.


come into existence; take on form or shape