
intransitive verb

To read, study, or examine something carefully and attentively.

intransitive verb

To meditate deeply; ponder.

intransitive verb

To gaze intently; stare.


A minute opening in tissue, as in the skin of an animal, serving as an outlet for perspiration, or in a plant leaf or stem, serving as a means of absorption and transpiration.


A space in rock, soil, or unconsolidated sediment that is not occupied by mineral matter and that allows the passage or absorption of fluids.

To gaze earnestly or steadily; look with close and steady attention or application; read or examine anything with steady perseverance: generally followed by on, upon, or over.

An obsolete form of pour.

An obsolete or dialectal form of poor.


A small opening or orifice; a hole, aperture, or perforation; a foramen; an opening in general: as, the pores of a sponge.


One of the small interstices between the particles or molecules of the matter of which a body is composed.