nounAn exclusive right or privilege held by a person or group, especially a hereditary or official right. synonym: right.
nounThe exclusive right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge.
adjectiveOf, arising from, or exercising a prerogative.
To endow with a prerogative.
Called upon to vote first; having the right to vote first.
Entitled to precedence; superior.
Pertaining to, characteristic of, or held by prerogative or privileged right.
nounThe right of voting first; precedence in voting.
nounA peculiar privilege; a characteristic right inhering in one’s nature; a special property or quality.
nounSpecifically, a privilege inherent in one’s office or position; an official right; an exclusive or sovereign privilege, in theory subject to no restriction or interference, but practically often limited by other similar rights or prerogatives; more specifically still, the royal prerogative.