nounOne that promotes, especially an active supporter or advocate.
nounA financial and publicity organizer, as of a boxing match or an artistic performance.
nounThe region of an operon that acts as the initial binding site for RNA polymerase.
nounOne who or that which promotes, forwards, or advances; an encourager: as. a promoter of charity.
nounOne who aids in promoting some financial undertaking; one engaged in getting up a joint-stock company; one who makes it his business to assist in the organization and capitalizing of corporations.
nounAn informer; specifically, a person who prosecuted offenders as an informer in his own name and the king’s, receiving in reward part of the fines or penalties.
nounOne who, or that which, forwards, advances, or promotes; an encourager.
nounSpecifically, one who sets on foot, and takes the preliminary steps in, a scheme for the organization of a corporation, a joint-stock company, or the like.
nounOne who excites.
nounAn informer; a makebate.