

The act of ratifying; the act by which a competent authority gives sanction and validity to something done by another; also, the state of being ratified; confirmation; as, the ratification of a treaty, or of a contract or promise.


In law, the adoption by a person, as binding upon himself, of an act previously done in his name or on his behalf, or in such relation that he may claim it as done for his benefit, although done under such circumstances as would not bind him except by his subsequent consent, as in the case of an act done by a stranger having at the same time no authority to act as his agent, or by an agent not having adequate authority to do the act.


The act of ratifying; the state of being ratified; confirmation; sanction.


the act or process of ratifying, or the state of being ratified


a formal declaration of agreement to a treaty etc


making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it