nounThe cardinal number equal to 6 + 1.
nounThe seventh in a set or sequence.
One more than six; the sum of three and four: a cardinal numeral.
(b ) The constellation Ursa Major.
The Pleiades.
nounThe number greater by one than six; a group of things amounting to this number.
nounThe symbol representing this number, as 7, or VII, or vii.
nounplural In Eng. hymnology, a species of trochaic meter having seven syllables to the line, and properly four lines to the stanza. Sevens double (7s, D.) has eight lines, and other varieties are marked by the number of lines, as 7s, 6l, or 7s, 3l.
nounA playing-card with seven spots or pips on it.
nounTo set in confusion.