
intransitive verb

To push quickly, forcefully, or roughly: synonym: push.

intransitive verb

To put (something) roughly in a place.

intransitive verb

To push someone or something with force.

intransitive verb

To move forward roughly, often by shoving someone.


The act of shoving; a push.

phrasal verb

To push (a boat) away from shore in leaving.

phrasal verb

To leave.


The act of shoving, pushing, or pressing by strength continuously exerted; a strong push, generally along or as if along a surface.


The central woody part of the stem of flax or hemp; the boon.


A forward movement of packed and piled ice; especially, such a movement in the St. Lawrence river at Montreal, caused in the early winter by the descent of the ground-ice from the Lachine Rapids above, which, on reaching the islands below the city, is packed, thus forming a dam.